

  • 动作片 电影 
  • 布鲁斯·威利斯 文森特·多诺费奥 伊丽莎白·苏 卡米拉·莫罗 
  • 保罗(布鲁斯·威利斯饰)原本是一位温文儒雅的外科医生,但当他的妻女惨遭暴徒欺凌,爱妻更因此与他天人永隔,司法系统却因种种缘由,让本该为罪孽付出代价的凶徒逃出法网。震惊和崩溃之余,保罗的人生价值观被彻底保罗(布鲁斯·威利斯饰)原本是一位温文儒雅的外科医生,但当他的妻女惨遭暴徒欺凌,爱妻更因此与他天人永隔,司法系统却因种种缘由,让本该为罪孽付出代价的凶徒逃出法网。震惊和解体之余,保罗的人生价值观被彻底推翻。为了替家人复仇,为了伸张应有的正义,他末尾自动反击,在夜幕高扬的城市街头制裁暴力罪犯。警方对这名奥秘的城市英雄感到困惑,却抵御不住他与恶权利斗智斗勇、惊心动魄的最终决战!
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 玛雅·米切尔 卡米拉·莫罗 凯尔·穆尼 JoelAllen 
  • Jessie and Angela, high school dropouts, are taking a week off to chill at the beach. Too bad theirJessie and Angela, high school dropouts, are taking a week off to chill at the beach. Too bad their house got robbed, rent’s due, they’re about to get fired and they’re broke. Now to avoid eviction and get to the beach, no matter what!,KendalSmith